We invite you to get involved! Check out these volunteer opportunities.
Summer Art Fair (SAF)
Our biggest event, in it’s 67th year! Held the last weekend in July. Volunteer opportunities include: 2020 Co-chair; publicity, soliciting donations, obtaining sponsors; organizing and staffing the Silent Auction; setting up and taking down tents, signs, tables and chairs, and garbage/recycling cans; assisting artists, hospitality, etc. (2 hrs. or more shifts either day or both days). NOTE: a 3rd co-chair and at LEAST 20-25 volunteers needed for the Summer Art Fair to continue next year. Income from SAF is what keeps GAL running!
Youth Art Fair (YAF)
Held in February, volunteers help with registration, set up/take down of the children’s exhibits, awards, publicity, hospitality, etc. (2 hour or more shifts on one Saturday in Feb.)
Board of Directors
GAL’s Board meets monthly to oversee new projects, approve finances, assist committee chairs as needed. Meeting are at 7 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of each month (except July and Dec).
Demo Program
The Demo Chair seeks out local artists for 5-6 demos per year, assists the Demo artists with set up, and arranges for refreshments at the Demo Meeting
(approximately 12 hours/year).