The cancellation of the Glenview Art League’s 2020 Summer Art Fair won’t stop us from bringing art to our communities this summer! This summer (June-July-August) we invite artists to
- Decorate or paint yard signs (or make another form of yard art)
- Put them out on display for people to enjoy while walking the neighborhoods and
- Send a photo to the GAL
We’ll promote the yard art with a GAL “Support Local Artists” tag, and an art map the GAL website so art lovers can find them all and find out more about the artists.
The Yard Art Challenge is open to members and nonmembers, in and outside of Glenview. Other types of yard art are also eligible for this challenge. Email with questions and suggestions. Need a yard sign? Let us know and we’ll try to hook you up. Send us an message if you plan to make yard art but aren’t sure where to display it – we’ll try to arrange a spot.
Note: we should consider ways to make our artwork weather-resistant, get permission before placing artwork on private or public land, and accept that these may be vandalized or taken.
Check out some of the work that’s already been submitted, and check back soon for more! There’s also a map of artwork locations below.
[google_map_easy id=”1″]