Become a Member!

Register and pay online using our Online Membership Form.

Or, print and fill out our 2024 Printable GAL Membership Application. Mail the completed form along with your check payable to: Glenview Art League at 1920 Waukegan Road, Suite 204, Glenview, IL 60025.

To request a printed membership form through postal mail, email or call (224) 766-5980.

The Glenview Art League welcomes artists and art enthusiasts to join!

Membership fees are $45 for individual and $10 for additional family members. Students can join for $15. GAL’s membership benefits include:

NOTE! If you are an artist, becoming a member entitles you to a portfolio listing in our online Artist Gallery! Once you are a member, you can submit up to 5 images (see specifications) and a biography to the

Specifications for submitting images:

  • Files must be .jpg files.
  • Files should not exceed 1920 pixels in any direction.
  • Files should be about around 2 MB
  • The resolution must be 72 dpi
  • Name your file with artist name and title of your work.
  • Please submit your bio as a Word File

The Glenview Art League is a Community Service Organization Supporting Artists and Art Enthusiasts, the Glenview Art League is a non-profit organization formed in 1954 by a group of community artists and those who wanted to share their ideas and love of art. Advancing the Study and Development of Fine Art in the Community 501c3 non-profit. We sponsor a number of activities as follows:

  • Summer Outdoor Art Fair This juried fair features original works of art by over 100 artists from around the country. The fair is held on the last Saturday and Sunday in July on the grounds of Lyon School at Lake St. and Waukegan Rd. in Glenview. Cash and purchase awards are given. We provide entertainment for your enjoyment, and Refreshments are available.
  • Saturday Drop-In Workshops / “Outdoor” Sessions  This is an “idea exchange”, where members can pursue individual artwork and have the opportunity to receive critiques and help from other Glenview Art League members. These excursions to local points of interest will allow artists to paint or sketch in interesting outdoor settings whenever the weather allows.
  • Monthly Meetings & Art Demos These educational and entertaining demonstrations by well-known artists in various media are open to the public and free of charge.
  • Newsletters A monthly newsletter is sent out to members informing them of league activities and news items.
  • Spring Fling This dinner buffet is a social event held each year in April for Art League Members and friends.
  • Annual Small canvas 6x6 Art Competition The GAL in cooperation with the Glenview Public Library, is sponsoring annual
    small-canvas art exhibition and contest in September.
  • And More… Members are encouraged to get involved, volunteer to help at events and to share their love of art



Glenview Art League
1920 Waukegan Road
Glenview IL 60025

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